Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Where did this blog even come from?

So, yeah this blog....

Let me preface this by saying I thought for a very long time before deciding to do this. It wasn't a spur of the moment thing by any means.

The point of this blog is to get my never-ending, never-disscussed, always frustrating thoughts, down, somewhere, anywhere. I'm not quite sure why. It is just something I've decided I can't afford not to do. Hopefully people will comment, and discussion will ensue; but either way, I think it will help me to organize my thoughts.

I was wary at first of the idea of having a blog, as the whole concept seems somewhat arrogant. Having the audacity to think that anyone else cares about what I think. Or being so starved for attention I need to just talk at everyone. Please know that I don't intend any of these things.

The material will mostly center around theology. but could diverge without warning to anything.

The views, themes, ideas, etc expressed here are by no means original, please don't mistake them as such. I don't claim to have an original idea; ever. I'm sure every idea that I could ever express has been expressed before, and more than likely with much more eloquence. I will do my best to give credit where credit is due. Also, do not take my words as the final word on anything. There are experts much more qualified than me on anything and everything discussed here. This is merely a platform for discussion and for me to keep my sanity. I think that's a pretty thorough disclaimer.

My influences are going to be apparent as this starts up. If you've ever heard or read Rob Bell; you'll see how he has influenced my sentence structure. They include but aren't limited to:

Being young

Being engaged to my beautiful bride-to-be Ashley Elizabeth Chaplin

My upbringing

the Emergent Church-(not to be confused with the emerging church)

Mars Hill/Rob Bell

Erwin Raphael McManus

Bill Johnson

postmodern thought

being born in a mac using home (Thank God)

This amazing blog I found-

Many long afternoons of reading about the different ways people think about God at His Bible and Book House where I used to work.

The International House of Prayer

and many many other things I'm sure.



For some reason people either love or hate the word theology

They think it's some aloof, smart people battleground that is somehow connected to Wiki Wars.

Which, I guess, in a way, is somewhat true.


"We believe the Bible to be the voices of many who have come before us, inspired by God to pass along their poems, stories, accounts, and letters of response and relationship with each other and the living God. These words have been used to describe God and his character for thousands of years, and we call this theology. Theology is one of the best ways we can come to know and love God; it is also how we understand who God calls us to be and what he calls us to do. Theology comes from the Greek words "theos" and "logos." Theos means God, and logos means word. Words about God.

That is my definition of theology.

This is a blog dedicated to words about God.


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