"Reforming Ecclesiology in Emerging Churches" by
LeRon Shults,
the 14 page pdf, can be downloaded
Reposted from
here, originally posted
Think of it as an article about how we do Church, but it also serves as a great introduction the the term "Emergent".
A blip:"Whatever else Emergent may be, it is a movement committed to encouraging the lively pursuit of God and to inviting others into a delightfully terrifying conversation along the way."
An excerpt that will hopefully entice you to read the whole thing: On second thought, text pasted from the pdf has all sorts of awkward line breaks, so I guess you should just read it for yourself.
I like the idea of always "emerging." There's always more and more of God to grow in. Shouldn't the church be growing as well? Having a static church seems like it would be moving backwards.